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An Evening Star Spirits

exclusive community

Nexum means connection when translated from Latin to English and connection is at the center of who these demons are. 


They are sustained through the bonds and connections of their loved ones and communities. The love of the people around them and the connection of those who are close to them creates ambient energy that is then filtered through their heart core into useable energy. 


These demons need big communities to be healthy and while they do need love to thrive they do not drain their connections nor do they feed from their bonded directly. Unlike psychic vampires they do not need to pull energy specifically to sustain themselves. They can if they need to while healing or working on the bonds of others but they feed vicariously through their own bonds, and the bonds of the communities around them. 


Nexum demons will tend to gravitate towards larger communities and families due to this unique need. This is not to say they are against smaller families. It is up to each Nexum what they prefer.


While they build complex clans of their own kind, they also open their borders to other kinds of spirits. Ubi are particularly suited to their way of living, as they can feed each other through connection and love. They have many schools where they teach these other spirits their ways.


There are many clans within Nexum culture, and they all work together to create a well connected community built on respect and compassion. 


They typically show a more "human" form, but they do have a more "demonic" form as well. They can be private about who they show this second form to, however, since it makes them feel vulnerable, while others revel in it.


They are very spiritual people and like to pick symbols to represent their beliefs and feelings. Symbolism is very important to them, in their culture and how they live their daily lives.


Nexum demons are masters of working with bonds and bond healing. Due to the nature of their livelihood depending on the bonds of their community they tend to gravitate towards magic and energy work that centers around connection. They can be fierce warriors and kind healers. They are incredibly loyal to the ones they bond to and love large families with people they can connect to. 

Nexum Clans

Cor in Latin means heart, and this clan is the center of the Nexum communities heart. While many are also healers, their main focus is to be the social connection to hold all the Nexum together.


They often make charismatic leaders, scholars, and mediators in general. They are the ones who act first in a crisis, and they make sure the needs of the entire community are met, whether they're Nexum demons or not.


Members of the Cor are usually known for throwing the best parties, and being great friends. All Nexum thrive on connection, but the Cor clan make it an art.


They have grand libraries and council rooms, where Nexum from all over the realm come to meet and discuss. Nobody wishes to have an argument without a member of the Cor in the room. They can be incredible guides and counselors.


Not only are they emotional leaders, but they also keep an eye on the resources from the community so that everybody has what they need.


Not every Cor Nexum is as extroverted as it may seem, but even those on the quieter spectrum have incredible insights and ideas.

Medella Clan

The Medella clan are the primary healers of the Nexum. Medella in Latin means heal or healing power. It also has a connection to remedial treatment, which these demons specialize in.  


They are often associated with blue, almost as a uniform, but also like other cool colors like purple and green, sometimes pink. They take their calming associations very seriously, as it is a distinctive part of their culture that sets them apart.


Most members of the Medella clan are associated with some form of healing aspect. This can take many forms. Some choose to work in hospitals, tending to illness and injury, while others focus on the emotional and psychological well-being of their people, and still others focus on relaxation and emotional protection.


They focus on healing what has been broken, and find beauty in such remade things. Your scars are an important part of your journey, in their eyes, and tell such beautiful parts of your story.


Their lands are full of hot springs with various medicinal qualities, but also cool pools for when one needs a break. They understand that not everybody needs constant attention to heal, and have many places where people can be alone, healing spiritually rather than through the action of another.

Requiem Clan

Within the community of the Nexum, the Requiem clan are those who honor the souls of those who have passed, and hold space for the community to mourn. They focus on bringing peace to souls living and dead, and assisting in a peaceful transition to the next life and beyond. Their rituals are often complex and intense, bringing catharsis to the living, safe passing for the souls, and their celebrations of life are meant to bring peace to those left behind. 


They honor not only the dead, but also the process of grief in those who are left behind. This includes extensive outreach programs to affected loved ones, including community programs, or even just a hot meal and a space to process all the emotions that come with a passing. These are the people you call to make sure a bereaved family doesn't need to worry about what they eat for the coming weeks, as well as being the ones who will handle the funerary arrangements. There are even small, private chapels where private vigils can be held for as long as they are needed. 


While the material needs of a death are something they provide, they do not neglect emotional and spiritual needs. Their philosophy is that the community lives in love, so the deceased will pass surrounded in love. All over the Nexum lands, there are temples for the Requiem where individuals can visit to pray for their lost loved ones, speak to a trained priest about their grief and trust that they will be heard, and also get advice for healthy grief management. 


Both funerary rituals and community outreach programs are considered incredibly sacred to the Requiem clan, and often their members will specialize in one or the other, even though they work together.  They make sure that all aspects of the community have the time to grieve and heal, holding respect for the sacredness of all forms of life, especially its end. 

These are just a few of the clans that fall under the Nexum community umbrella. Keep an eye out for future additions. 


These demons are incredible companions to have in your family and their views on family, connections, and love, and just their emotional understanding, make them uniquely suited for companionship.

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